Student Tuition Rates: 2024-2025

St. Mark Catholic School is committed to ensuring that Catholic education is accessible to all families who want their children to be educated in this tradition. The school has consolidated tuition and all mandatory program fees into a single total bill paid through the FACTS payment program. This will prevent additional charges for families at the beginning of the school year. Families will still need to pay for items such as, out-of-town field trips, team sports fees, lunch, and after school care during the school year, as these are optional or “grade-unique” costs. For eighth grade students, a graduation fee will be charged to offset graduation costs.

2024-25 Tuition Rates

Pre-KGrades K-5Grades 6-7Grade 8
Active Catholic Steward Rate*$7,225$7,375$7,410$7,610
All Others$9,290$9,440$9,440$9,675

Registration Fee

In order to be guaranteed placement, a non-refundable $250 Family Registration Fee will be invoiced through your FACTS account as part of the enrollment process. The registration fee will be applied toward your tuition balance.


Multiple Child Tuition Rate Discounts

  • 2nd Child: $650
  • 3rd Child: $1,300
  • Additional Siblings (4th, 5th, etc.): $1,900

Military Family Discount 

  • $525 per family


Apply for Tuition Assistance

Active Catholic Stewardship Rate

The Active Catholic Steward Tuition Rate is designed to support Catholic families in our parish community through a tuition discount. Catholic Steward families are those who are dedicated to raising their children in the Catholic faith and are active in the parish community. Active families attend Sunday Mass regularly and serve in the community through gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

In order to meet the criteria for St. Mark Active Catholic Steward Rate, families must be:

  • Registered: You must be registered in the parish for at least 3 months. If you have recently moved or are moving to the area, you must provide a letter from your previous parish stating that you are actively living stewardship through time, talent, and treasure. 
  • Active: Active parishioners should be attending Mass regularly and volunteering their time and talent with a St. Mark ministry. Ministries include, but are not limited to: altar servers, ushers, greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), lectors, etc.
  • Contributors: Contributors are those who are giving a minimum of $1,000 per year to the church offertory in the form of identifiable gifts by envelope, check, or online giving. Direct giving, stock proceeds, or donor-advised giving to any Parish Capital Campaign (non-BAA) will also be considered when evaluating an applicant’s contribution. Keep in mind that through the generosity of the parish, the school is able to offer a substantial discount rate to our Catholic families who demonstrate their prayerful and sacrificial giving to the Church. In addition, we encourage contributions to the school’s Annual Fund, but they do not replace the regular financial support of the Parish. 

Financial contributions should be made through e-debits, parish envelopes, checks, or any other way that permits posting donations by family name into the parish’s data base system used to issue end of year statements. A Catholic Stewardship Form form signed by the Pastor or other authorized individual is required for annual status verification. If you do not provide a Catholic Stewardship Form, your tuition rate will automatically be set to the regular tuition rate.

Withdrawal Policy

Once a family has registered at St. Mark and if, they decide to withdraw their student(s) from the school, the following schedule shows the family’s financial obligation to the school beginning June 1st.

Withdrawal on or before this dateFamily must pay this portion of annual tuition
June 1stRegistration and enrollment fees
September 30th25%
October 31st50%
January 31st75%
February 15th100%

The withdrawal process begins by notifying the principal in writing. The withdrawal date in the schedule above is the official withdrawal date as recorded by the principal’s office. If a family paid a greater amount than the amount required in the schedule as of the withdrawal date, the balance will be refunded to the parent.

Please note that regardless of when or why a student withdraws or is required to withdraw, registration and other incidental fees are non-refundable.