St. Mark Catholic School is hosting Lion’s Lotto, a Virtual Reverse Raffle & Silent Auction, on Friday, January 29, 2021 at 7pm! The fundraiser benefits the school’s Annual Fund, which supports important initiatives such as technology and playground updates, music, art and drama programs, Catholic student tuition assistance, and support for teachers and staff.
You can purchase a ticket by clicking on the link below or sending a check to the school. Checks should be made payable to “St. Mark Catholic School” with “2021 Reverse Raffle” written in the memo. Each ticket costs $100.
Enter for your chance to win by clicking HERE.
You can win your share of $7,600!* Your odds of winning the grand prize ($5,000) is 1 in 250. There are also several smaller monetary prizes that you could win throughout the evening.
*PLEASE NOTE that prize amounts may be subject to change based on the number of tickets sold.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of the school community! If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Catherine Sawyer (
Reverse Raffle & Silent Auction Rules
The Virtual Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction will be broadcast via Boxcast and ticket holders may log into a Google Meet to “attend” the event. Google Meet and Boxcast Links will be sent prior to the event.
Silent Auction items will be available for bidding in Mid-January. Auction item bidding will close during the live stream virtual raffle presentation.
- Only 250 tickets will be sold.
- Tickets will be purchased online or by sending a check to the school. The check should be written to “St Mark Catholic School” with “2021 Reverse Raffle” noted in the check memo.
- You must be 18 years old to purchase a ticket. Families may buy more than one ticket.
- Ticket holders do not need to be on the Google Meet to win.
- Unlike a typical raffle, in a reverse raffle the purchaser of the last ticket drawn wins the Grand Prize.
- The first ticket drawn will receive their $100 back, other monetary prizes ($250 and $500 amounts) will be awarded as tickets are drawn throughout the evening.
- When your ticket is drawn your number is “out” and you are no longer eligible to win the Grand Prize.
- When there are 10 tickets remaining, those ticket holders will be offered the option to split the top prize with each ticket holder receiving $500. Ticket holders not present on the Google Meet will be assumed a “yes”’ to splitting the prize. If even one of the ticket holders want to continue to draw the tickets the drawing will continue with the final ticket drawn being the grand prize winner.
- The final ticket drawn will win the Grand Prize of $5,000.
- A total of $7,600 in prize money will be given away ($5,000 grand prize, three $500 prizes, Four $250 prizes and one $100 prize).
- If fewer than 250 tickets are sold the Grand Prize will be adjusted accordingly. Ticket holders will be contacted prior to the raffle drawing with information on the new Grand Prize amount if the prize is adjusted.
- Per IRS Notice 1340, winnings greater than $5,000 will have tax withheld at a rate of 25%.